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Belt Rotating Holster SG-229-BH-RT (SIG 229)

Fobus Belt Rotating Holster SG-229-BH-RT (SIG 229)

€ 35,00
Fobus Holster Case SG-229-BH-RT Fits to: Sig/Sauer SIG 229. Smith & Wesson 229, 908V, 6945.

Fobus Belt Rotating Holster SG-229-BH-RT (SIG 229)

  • Fobus Holster Case SG-229-BH-RT Fits to: Sig/Sauer SIG 229. Smith & Wesson 229, 908V, 6945.
  • Fobus Belt - Roto / Retention Hand Gun Holster Case Model SG-229-BH-RT.
  • Fobus Belt - Roto / Retention Type Holster Cases: Unique Fobus Roto-Holster Case rotates 360 degrees and adjusts easily for cross-draw, bodyguard/driver, small-of-the-back, and strong-side carries. Our patented locking adjustment allows the firearm either a forward or rearward cant, with our Proven Retention System.
  • The Roto Holster Case is lightweight, with a flexible two-piece design for maximum strength and all-day comfort. Your choice of an easily interchangeable paddle, or a belt loop attachment is included. Extra attachments are sold separately. The Roto Holster Case system is available for most current Holster Case models.

Right hand, Belt - Roto / Retention type, Brand-new, Holster Case in its original packaging. Fobus Belt - Roto / Retention Holster Case SG-229-BH-RT Fits to: Sig/Sauer SIG 229. Smith & Wesson 229, 908V, 6945. Fobus Belt - Roto / Retention Type Holster Cases: Developed in Israel for the world's military and special security services, the combat-proven Fobus Standard Holster Case series is a revolutionary step forward in Holster Case design and technology. State of the art design, injection molding and space age high-density plastics are combined to create a Holster Case which cannot be duplicated in leather or any other material. Fobus Holster Cases are high riding, and low profile with unbelievable retention, comfort and lightweight construction. Holster Cases weigh a mere 2 ounces, and are maintenance free.


  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
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