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Surefire G2® Nitrolon

Surefire G2® Nitrolon

€ 36,00
The G2 is a high-output flashlight featuring a tough, corrosion-proof Nitrolon body and bezel.

Surefire G2® Nitrolon

The G2 is a high-output flashlight featuring a tough, corrosion-proof Nitrolon body and bezel. It uses a precision micro-textured reflector and a SureFire incandescent lamp to produce a smooth, brilliant beam with enough power to temporarily blind and disorient an aggressor by impairing his night-adapted vision. Output is either 65 or 120 lumens, depending on which easy-to-install lamp you use—high-output or ultra high-output. The tactically-correct pushbutton tailcap switch provides secure, ergonomic activation control: press for momentary-on, twist for constant-on.

[NSN--Black body color: 6230-01-522-6609]



  • Brilliant white light from high-output lamp (included) or ultra high-output lamp (optional)
  • Precision micro-textured reflector creates smooth, optimized beam
  • Coated tempered window resists impact, maximizes light
  • Tough, lightweight Nitrolon® body with deep grid pattern for secure grip
  • Tactical tailcap switch—press for momentary-on, twist for constant-on
  • Weatherproof O-ring and gasket sealing
  • Includes high-energy 123A batteries with 10-year shelf life 
  • Max Output -- White Light
    65 .0 lumens 

    Tactical Runtime**
    1 .0 hours 

    5 .10 inches 

    Bezel Diameter
    1 .25 inches 

    Body Diameter
    1 .00 inch 

    Weight w/Batteries
    4 .1 ounces 

    2  123A  (included) 



  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
  • MessageIcon


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    • Zaterdag vanaf 10.00 uur tot en met 15.00 uur
    • afspraak via 0475/941210