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5.11 Recon Cap

From 19,95 €
The 5.11 RECON™ Cap from offers a stylish and functional alternative to everyday headwear.

5.11 Recon Cap

Purpose Built

The 5.11 RECON™ Cap from offers a stylish and functional alternative to everyday headwear. Engineered to perform in any climate or environment, the 5.11 RECON Cap is constructed from high performance materials that offer enhanced resistance to wind and precipitation without sacrificing breathable comfort. A sleek and accelerated design provides a lower profile and greater wearability than traditional six-panel structures, while reinforced bill stitching and a Buckram lining ensure a secure fit.


  • Cool, lightweight comfort
  • Modern panel design
  • Premium anti-fade graphics and embroidery


  • High performance materials
  • Buckram lined for structure
  • Enhanced bill stitching


  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
  • MessageIcon


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    • Zaterdag vanaf 10.00 uur tot en met 15.00 uur
    • In juli en augustus enkel op afspraak