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XPRT Folder Multi (999)

5.11 XPRT Folder

From 179,95 €
A full sized tactical or utility knife, the XPRT Folder offers superior strength and durability in a no-nonsense design.

5.11 XPRT Folder

Purpose Built

A full sized tactical or utility knife, the XPRT Folder offers superior strength and durability in a no-nonsense design. Crafted in partnership with world renowned blade designer Mike Vellekamp, the XPRT Folder is constructed from CPM S30V steel and features a 3.75" long, 4mm thick recurve edge, positive grip thumb studs for maximum user control, and a no-glint black oxide coating on all hardware. Protruding handle liners on the reverse side provide pressure point manipulation or impact options, a heat-treated stainless steel liner lock ensures maximum tensile strength, and G-10 scale panels at the handle ensure a confident grip with or without gloves. Includes a reversible carry clip and a Torx® wrench for upgrades or modifications.


  • Full sized tactical/utility knife
  • Protruding handle liners offer tactical options
  • No-glint black oxide coating
  • G-10 grip scales
  • Lanyard hole
  • Reversible clip for multiple carry options


  • Mike Vellekamp/Blade-Tech® design
  • Crucible CPM S30V blade steel
  • Recurve edge blade is 4mm thick, 3.5" long
  • Clip point tip
  • 5.25" closed, 9" open
  • Includes Torx wrench for modifications


  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
  • MessageIcon


    • Enkel op afspraak
    • Woensdag tot en met vrijdag van 13.00 uur tot en met 18.00 uur
    • Zaterdag vanaf 10.00 uur tot en met 15.00 uur
    • afspraak via 0475/941210