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5.11 Year Round OTC Sock

From 16,95 €
Year Round OTC (Over the Calf) socks are crafted from TransDRY® Cotton and copper threads for superior breathability, moisture management and anti-microbial performance.

5.11 Year Round OTC Sock

Purpose Built

Year Round OTC (Over the Calf) socks are crafted from TransDRY® Cotton and copper threads for superior breathability, moisture management and anti-microbial performance. Designed to complement all 5.11 Tactical® footwear, these comfortable and durable over the calf socks for men feature NanoGLIDE® technology for enhanced blister protection, enhanced arch and ankle support to increase traction and agility, and reinforcements at the heel, sole, and toe to maximize cushioning and extend garment life.


  • NanoGLIDE blister prevention technology
  • Enhanced arch and calf support
  • Moisture wicking action
  • Anti-microbial


  • TransDRY cotton
  • Copper threads
  • Reinforced heel, sole, and toe


  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
  • MessageIcon


    • Enkel op afspraak
    • Woensdag tot en met vrijdag van 13.00 uur tot en met 18.00 uur
    • Zaterdag vanaf 10.00 uur tot en met 15.00 uur
    • afspraak via 0475/941210